Directory Structure
The default Nuxt.js application structure is intended to provide a great starting point for both small and large applications. You are free to organize your application however you like and can create other directories as and when you need them.
Let's create the directories and files that do not exist in our project yet.
mkdir components assets static
touch nuxt.config.js
These are the main directories and files that we use when building a Nuxt.js application. You will find an explanation of each of them below.
Creating directories with these names enables features in your Nuxt.js project.
The pages directory
The pages
directory contains your application's views and routes. As you've learned in the last chapter, Nuxt.js reads all the .vue
files inside this directory and uses them to create the application router.
Learn more about the pages directory
The components directory
The components
directory is where you put all your Vue.js components which are then imported into your pages.
With Nuxt.js you can create your components and auto import them into your .vue files meaning there is no need to manually import them in the script section. Nuxt.js will scan and auto import these for you once you have components set to true.
Learn more about the components directory
The assets directory
The assets
directory contains your uncompiled assets such as your styles, images, or fonts.
Learn more about the assets directory
The static directory
The static
directory is directly mapped to the server root and contains files that have to keep their names (e.g. robots.txt
) or likely won't change (e.g. the favicon)
Learn more about the static directory
The nuxt.config.js file
The nuxt.config.js
file is the single point of configuration for Nuxt.js. If you want to add modules or override default settings, this is the place to apply the changes.
Learn more about the nuxt.config.js file
The package.json file
The package.json
file contains all the dependencies and scripts for your application.
More about the project structures
There are more helpful directories and files, including content, layouts, middleware, modules, plugins and store . As they aren't necessary for small applications, they are not covered here.
To learn about all directories in detail, feel free to read the the Directory Structure book.
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