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API: The hooks Property

hooks 属性

例如 (nuxt.config.js):

import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'

export default {
  hooks: {
    build: {
      done(builder) {
        const extraFilePath = path.join(
        fs.writeFileSync(extraFilePath, 'Something extra')

在内部,hooks 遵循使用冒号的命名模式(例如,build:done)。为了便于配置,当使用nuxt.config.js(如上所示)设置自己的钩子时,可以将它们构造为分层对象。有关它们如何工作的更多详细信息,请参考Nuxt Internals

hooks 列表


不在 root 上时重定向到 router.base

Let´s say you want to serve pages as /portal instead of /. 假设您希望将页面作为 /portal 而不是 / 来提供。这可能是一个边缘情况, nuxt.config.jsrouter.base用于当 Web 服务器,服务 Nuxt 而不是域根目录时。

但是当在本地开发时,遇到 localhost,当 router.base 不是 / 返回 404 时。为了防止这种情况,你可以设置一个 Hook。

也许重定向不是生产网站的最佳用例,但这将有助于您利用 Hooks。

首先,你可以 改变 router.base;更新你的 nuxt.config.js:

// nuxt.config.js
import hooks from './hooks'
export default {
  router: {
    base: '/portal'
  hooks: hooks(this)


  1. hooks/index.js, Hooks 模块

    // file: hooks/index.js
    import render from './render'
    export default nuxtConfig => ({
      render: render(nuxtConfig)
  2. hooks/render.js, 渲染 hook

    // file: hooks/render.js
    import redirectRootToPortal from './route-redirect-portal'
    export default nuxtConfig => {
      const router = Reflect.has(nuxtConfig, 'router') ? nuxtConfig.router : {}
      const base = Reflect.has(router, 'base') ? router.base : '/portal'
      return {
         * 'render:setupMiddleware'
         * {@link node_modules/nuxt/lib/core/renderer.js}
        setupMiddleware(app) {
          app.use('/', redirectRootToPortal(base))
  3. hooks/route-redirect-portal.js, 中间件本身

    // file: hooks/route-redirect-portal.js
     * Nuxt middleware hook to redirect from / to /portal (or whatever we set in nuxt.config.js router.base)
     * Should be the same version as connect
     * {@link node_modules/connect/package.json}
    import parseurl from 'parseurl'
     * Connect middleware to handle redirecting to desired Web Applicatin Context Root.
     * Notice that Nuxt docs lacks explaning how to use hooks.
     * This is a sample router to help explain.
     * See nice implementation for inspiration:
     * - https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/blob/dev/examples/with-cookies/plugins/cookies.js
     * - https://github.com/yyx990803/launch-editor/blob/master/packages/launch-editor-middleware/index.js
     * [http_class_http_clientrequest]: https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_clientrequest
     * [http_class_http_serverresponse]: https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_serverresponse
     * @param {http.ClientRequest} req Node.js internal client request object [http_class_http_clientrequest]
     * @param {http.ServerResponse} res Node.js internal response [http_class_http_serverresponse]
     * @param {Function} next middleware callback
    export default desiredContextRoot =>
      function projectHooksRouteRedirectPortal(req, res, next) {
        const desiredContextRootRegExp = new RegExp(`^${desiredContextRoot}`)
        const _parsedUrl = Reflect.has(req, '_parsedUrl') ? req._parsedUrl : null
        const url = _parsedUrl !== null ? _parsedUrl : parseurl(req)
        const startsWithDesired = desiredContextRootRegExp.test(url.pathname)
        const isNotProperContextRoot = desiredContextRoot !== url.pathname
        if (isNotProperContextRoot && startsWithDesired === false) {
          const pathname = url.pathname === null ? '' : url.pathname
          const search = url.search === null ? '' : url.search
          const Location = desiredContextRoot + pathname + search
          res.writeHead(302, {

然后,每当开发中的同事到达开发 Web 开发服务/时,发生了意外情况,Nuxt 将自动重定向到/portal

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