Sass is a CSS extension that allows you to use variables , nested rules , mixins , inline imports and other functions based on CSS syntax to make CSS more powerful and elegant.. Using Sass and the Compass style library can help better organize and manage style files and develop projects more efficiently.
- Fully compatible with CSS3
- Adding variables, nesting, mixins and other functions to the CSS language
- Calculation of color and attribute values through functions
- Provide control instructions and other advanced features
- Custom output format
Sass has two syntax formats. The first is SCSS (Sassy CSS), which is also the format
used in this reference example. This format is only extended based on CSS3 syntax, which means that each CSS
style sheet is an equivalent SCSS file. In addition, SCSS also supports most CSS hacks writing
browser-specific prefixes and syntax (vendor-specific syntax), for example, IE ancient
grammar . This syntax style sheet files need to be .scss
as expand the
The other, the earliest syntax, is called Indented Sass, or "Sass", which provides a
more introductory way to write CSS. It uses indentation instead of curly braces to indicate selector
nesting, and uses line breaks instead of semicolons to separate attributes. Some people think this is easier
to read and faster to write than SCSS. The indented syntax has all the features of Sass, although there are
slight differences in syntax ; the specific differences are described in the indented syntax
reference . Use this syntax style sheet file needs to .sass
Files of any syntax can be imported directly into files of another syntax, as long as you use the sass-convert command line tool, you can convert one syntax to another:
# Convert Sass to SCSS
$ sass-convert style.sass style.scss
# Convert SCSS to Sass
$ sass-convert style.scss
Note that this command does not generate a CSS file. To generate CSS files,
use described elsewhere sass
Using Sass (Using Sass)
Sass can be used in three ways: as a command line tool, as a standalone Ruby module, or as a plug-in to the Rack-enabled framework, including Ruby on Rails and Merb. Either way, you need to install the Sass gem first:
gem install sass
If you are using Windows, you may first need to install Ruby .
If you want to run Sass from the command line, just use
sass input.scss output.css
You can also use Sass commands to monitor changes in a Sass file and automatically compile to update CSS:
sass --watch input.scss:output.css
If you have many Sass files in your directory, you can also use Sass commands to monitor the entire directory:
sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets
Use sass --help
can list the full help documentation.
Using Sass in Ruby is also very easy. After the Sass gem is installed, run it
require "sass"
, and then use Sass :: Engine as follows:
engine ="#main {background-color: #0000ff}", :syntax => :scss)
engine.render #=> "#main { background-color: #0000ff; }\n"
Rack / Rails / Merb plugin (Plugin)
To enable Sass in versions prior to Rails 3, you need to add a line of code to the environment.rb file:
config.gem "sass"
For Rails 3, add this line to the Gemfile:
gem "sass"
To enable Sass in Merb, it is necessary config/dependencies.rb
to add a
line of code file:
dependency "merb-haml"
Sass is enabled in the Rack application, you need to
add the
following code file:
require 'sass/plugin/rack'
use Sass::Plugin::Rack
Sass stylesheets work differently from views. It does not contain any dynamic
content, so it only needs to generate CSS when the Sass file is updated. By default, .sass
the .scss
file is placed (This can be done in a public / stylesheets / sass directory :template_location
configured options). Then, when
needed, they are compiled into corresponding CSS files and placed in the public / stylesheets directory. For
example, the public / stylesheets / sass / main.scss file will be compiled into the public / stylesheets /
main.css file.
By default, the template (Template) after Sass cached automatically compiled and partials , doing so can significantly improve recompilation speed processing Sass the
template is cut into a plurality of files and by @import
effect is
particularly remarkable when the introduction, form a large file .
If the case does not use frames, Sass will be put into the template cache
directory. In Rails and Merb, cached templates are placed in
directories. This directory can be :cache_location
customized with options. If you do not want
Sass caching feature is enabled, you can :cache
option to
Configuration options
Options can be set through the Sass :: Plugin # options hash, specifically set in Rails environment.rb
a file in Rack :
Sass::Plugin.options[:style] = :compact
Alternatively, if you use Merb, you can init.rb
set a
hash in the file :
Merb::Plugin.config[:sass][:style] = :compact
Or by passing an option (options) hash to Sass
:: Engine # the initialize ,
all relevant options are also available through labeling sass
and scss
use the
command-line executable file. Available options are:
Option | description |
: style | Set the code style of the output CSS. You can view the output code style . |
: syntax | The syntax of the input file, which :sass means indented syntax, and
:scss CSS extended syntax. Only useful if you construct a Sass :: Engine
instance yourself ; when you use Sass :: Plugin , it will automatically set the correct value. The default
setting is :sass . |
: property_syntax | The mandatory indent syntax document uses a property syntax. If the correct syntax is not used, an
error will be thrown. :new A value indicates that a colon is mandatory after the attribute
name. For example: color: #0f3 or width: $main_width . :old A
value indicates that a colon is required before the attribute name. For example:
:color #0f3 or :width $main_width . By default, both syntaxes are valid. This
option .scss is not valid for SCSS ( ) documents. |
: cache | Whether Sass should be cached when parsing, allowing faster compilation speed. The default setting
is true . |
: read_cache | If this option is set and no :cache option is set , then the cache exists and the Sass
cache is read-only. If there is no cache, it will not compile. |
: cache_store | If this option is set to an instance of a subclass of Sass ::
CacheStores :: Base , the cache store will be used to store and retrieve cached compilation
results. The default setting is Sass ::
CacheStores :: Filesystem and the :cache_location option is initialized . |
: never_update | The CSS file should never be updated, even if the template file changes. Setting it to
true may result in small performance improvements. It always defaults to
false . This option is only meaningful in Rack, Ruby on Rails, or Merb. |
: always_update | CSS files should always be updated, even when each controller is accessed, not just when the
template is modified. The default is false . This option is only meaningful in Rack, Ruby
on Rails, or Merb. |
: always_check | Sass templates should always be checked for updates, even when each controller is accessed, not just
when the service starts. If a Sass template is updated, it will be recompiled and the corresponding
CSS file will be overwritten. Default in production mode false , otherwise
true . This option is only meaningful in Rack, Ruby on Rails, or Merb. |
: poll | If so true , always use Sass :: Plugin :: Compiler # watch backend polling instead of the backend of the
native file system. |
: full_exception | Whether the errors in the Sass code should provide a detailed description in the generated CSS file.
If set to true , this error will be displayed in the comments of the CSS file and at the
top of the page (supported browsers). The error content includes line numbers and source code
snippets. Otherwise, exceptions will be alerted in Ruby code. Default in production mode
false , otherwise true . |
: template_location | A path to the directory of the Sass template in the root directory. If hashed,
:css_location it is ignored and this option specifies the mapping between the input and
output directories. A binary list can also be given instead of a hash. The default is
css_location + "/sass" . This option is only meaningful in Rack, Ruby on Rails, or Merb.
Note that if multiple template locations are specified, they are all placed in the import path,
allowing you to import between them. It should be noted that since it can take many possible formats, this option should only be set directly and should not be accessed or modified. Use Sass :: Plugin # template_location_array , Sass :: Plugin # add_template_location , Sass :: Plugin # remove_template_location methods instead. |
: css_location | The path of the CSS file output. When the :template_location option is a hash, this
option will be ignored. The default setting is "./public/stylesheets" . This option is
only meaningful in Rack, Ruby on Rails, or Merb. |
: cache_location | Among them, sassc the path where the cache file should be written. Defaults in Rails and
Merb "./tmp/sass-cache" , otherwise defaults "./.sass-cache" . If the :cache_store option is set , this will be ignored.
: unix_newlines | If true, use Unix-style newlines when writing files. Only meaningful on Windows and only when Sass is written to a file (in Rack, Rails, or Merb, when using Sass :: Plugin directly , or when using a command line executable). |
: filename | The file name of the rendered file. This is completely for reporting errors and is set automatically when using Rack, Rails, or Merb. |
: line | The line number of the first line of the Sass template. The line number used to report the error. This setting is useful if the Sass template is embedded in a Ruby file. |
: load_paths | An array containing the file system or @import Sass template paths
imported via directives. They may be strings, Pathname (pathname) objects, or subclasses
of Sass ::
Importers :: Base . This option defaults to the working directory, and in Rack, Rails, or Merb,
this option has any value :template_location . Load path may also be made Sass.load_paths and SASS_PATH inform the environment variables. |
: filesystem_importer | A subclass of Sass :: Importers :: Base to handle the loading path of ordinary strings. This should import files from the file system. This should be a Class object that takes a string parameter (load path) via the constructor and inherits from Sass :: Importers :: Base . The default is Sass :: Importers :: Filesystem . |
: sourcemap | Controls how sourcemaps are produced. These sourcemaps tell the browser how to find Sass styles and
generate each CSS style. This option has three valid values: :auto use
relative URIs where possible, assuming source styles are provided on any server you use, their
relative positions will be the same as the local file system. If a relative URI is not available, it
will be replaced by "file:". :file Always use the "file:" URI, which will
work locally but cannot be deployed to a remote server. :inline Contains
the complete source text from the sourcemap. This is most convenient, but may produce very large
sourcemap files. In the end, the :none sourcemap file is never generated.
: line_numbers | When set to true , the line number and file name of the defined selector will be
injected as comments into the compiled CSS. This is useful for debugging, especially when using @import sum @mixin . This option has
a specific name :line_comments . When using the :compressed output style or
use :debug_info / :trace_selectors option This option is automatically
disabled. |
: trace_selectors | When set to true , the full trajectory of @import sum
will be injected before each selector @mixin . This is useful when
debugging passed @import and @mixin included style sheets in the browser . This option will replace
:line_comments option, and is :debug_info the option to replace. When
:compressed the output style, this option is automatically disabled. |
: debug_info | When set to true , the line number and file name of the defined selector will be
injected into the compiled CSS and recognized by the browser. Used for FireSass Firebug
extension to display Sass file names and line numbers. When :compressed the output
style, this option is automatically disabled. |
: custom | This option can be used for individual application settings to make the data available for custom Sass functionality . |
: quiet | When set to true , causes warning messages to be disabled. |
Syntax Selection
The Sass command line tool will use the file extension to determine which syntax you
are using, but it is not always a file name. sass
The command line program defaults to indented
syntax, but if the input should be parsed into SCSS syntax, you can pass --scss
options to her.
In addition, you can use the scss
command line program, which sass
is exactly the
same as the program, but its default syntax is SCSS.
When running Sass in Ruby 1.9 and above, Sass is sensitive to the encoding format of
the file. First, it will determine the encoding format of the style file according to the CSS spec . If it fails, it will detect the Ruby string encoding. That is, first check
Sass Unicode byte order mark, then the @charset
statement is the last string code Ruby, if not
detected, use the default UTF-8 encoding.
To explicitly specify the encoding of the style sheet, as with CSS, use
declarations. Insert it at the beginning of the style file (without any whitespace and
comments) @charset "encoding-name";
, and Sass will compile the file with the given encoding
format. Note that no matter what encoding you use, it must be convertible to the Unicode character set.
By default, Sass always outputs CSS files in UTF-8 encoding. If and only if the
output file contains non-ASCII characters in the output file will be added to @charset
in the compressed mode, the (compressed mode) using UTF-8 byte order mark instead of @charset declaration
statement in a compressed mode.
CSS extensions
Nested rules
Sass allows you to nest a CSS style into another style. The inner style is only applicable to the selector of the outer style (note: it can be understood as a level selector). For example:
#main p {
color: #00ff00;
width: 97%;
.redbox {
background-color: #ff0000;
color: #000000;
Compiles to:
#main p {
color: #00ff00;
width: 97%; }
#main p .redbox {
background-color: #ff0000;
color: #000000; }
This helps avoid parent selector duplication, which is much simpler than multi-level nested selectors in complex CSS layouts. E.g:
#main {
width: 97%;
p, div {
font-size: 2em;
a { font-weight: bold; }
pre { font-size: 3em; }
Compiles to:
#main {
width: 97%; }
#main p, #main div {
font-size: 2em; }
#main p a, #main div a {
font-weight: bold; }
#main pre {
font-size: 3em; }
Reference Parent Selectors: &
Sometimes the need for direct use nested outer parent selector, this is very useful,
for example, you might like to selectors hover styles, or when the body has a style element, in these cases,
you can &
Character To explicitly insert the specified parent selector. E.g:
a {
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
&:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
body.firefox & { font-weight: normal; }
Compiles to:
a {
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none; }
a:hover {
text-decoration: underline; }
body.firefox a {
font-weight: normal; }
Will be replaced with the parent selector rendered in the CSS file.
This means that if you have a multi-level nested rule, the parent selector will be
completely decomposed before being replaced. E.g:
#main {
color: black;
a {
font-weight: bold;
&:hover { color: red; }
Compiles to:
#main {
color: black; }
#main a {
font-weight: bold; }
#main a:hover {
color: red; }
Must appear at the beginning of the selector (note: the first
character as the selector), but can follow the suffix and will be added after the parent selection. E.g:
#main {
color: black;
&-sidebar { border: 1px solid; }
Compiles to:
#main {
color: black; }
#main-sidebar {
border: 1px solid; }
Father selector &
is used as a suffix of time, Sass will throw an
Nested properties
CSS has some attributes follow the same "namespace"; such as,
, font-size
, and font-weight
are in the
namespace. In CSS, if you want to set a bunch of properties in the same namespace, you have
to output it every time. Sass provides a shortcut for this: you only need to enter the namespace once, and
then nest the child attributes inside it. E.g:
.funky {
font: {
family: fantasy;
size: 30em;
weight: bold;
Compiles to:
.funky {
font-family: fantasy;
font-size: 30em;
font-weight: bold; }
Namespaces can also have their own attribute values. E.g:
.funky {
font: 20px/24px fantasy {
weight: bold;
Compiles to:
.funky {
font: 20px/24px fantasy;
font-weight: bold;
Placeholder selector: %foo
(the Placeholder
the Selectors: %foo
Sass supports a special type of selector called a placeholder selector. These look
like class and id selectors, except #
or .
by %
replacement. They need
to be used in @extend
directives ; see @extend
-Only Selectors for more information .
When they are used alone, that @extend
is, unused, rule sets that use
placeholder selectors will not be rendered as CSS.
Comments: /* */
and //
/* */
and //
Sass supports standard CSS multi-line comments as /* */
well as
single-line comments //
. Wherever possible, multi-line comments are retained in the output CSS,
while single-line comments are deleted. E.g:
/* This comment is
* several lines long.
* since it uses the CSS comment syntax,
* it will appear in the CSS output. */
body { color: black; }
// These comments are only one line long each.
// They won't appear in the CSS output,
// since they use the single-line comment syntax.
a { color: green; }
Compiles to:
/* This comment is
* several lines long.
* since it uses the CSS comment syntax,
* it will appear in the CSS output. */
body {
color: black; }
a {
color: green; }
If the first letter of a multi-line comment is !
, the comment is always
retained in the output CSS, even in compressed output mode. This can be used to add a copyright notice to
your generated CSS.
Using interpolation, you can output variable values into multi-line comments, for example:
$version: "1.2.3";
/* This CSS is generated by My Snazzy Framework version #{$version}. */
Compiles to:
/* This CSS is generated by My Snazzy Framework version 1.2.3. */
In addition to the syntax of ordinary CSS properties, Sass supports some extensions called SassScript. SassScript allows attributes to use variables, arithmetic and extra features. SassScript can be used on any property value.
SassScript can also be used to generate selectors and attribute names, which is very useful when writing mixins . This is done through interpolation .
Interactive shell
The Interactive Shell can test the functionality of SassScript from the command line. Enter sass -i on the command line, and then enter the SassScript you want to test to see the output:
You can easily try SassScript using the Interactive Shell.
To run the startup shell, just use the -i
option's sass command line (note: type in the command
line sass -i
At the prompt, enter any valid SassScript expression, which will evaluate and print your results elsewhere:
$ sass -i
>> "Hello, Sassy World!"
"Hello, Sassy World!"
>> 1px + 1px + 1px
>> #777 + #777
>> #777 + #888
Variables: $
(the $
Variables: )
The most straightforward way to use SassScript is to use variables. Variables start with a dollar sign, and assignments are like setting CSS properties:
$width: 5em;
You can reference them in attributes:
#main {
width: $width;
Variables are available only within the scope of the selector nesting level it
defines (note: can be understood as block-level scope). Variables that are not defined inside any nested
selectors can be used anywhere (note: can be understood as global variables). When you define a variable,
you can put a !global
flag behind it . In this case, the variable is visible everywhere (note:
it can be understood as a global variable). E.g:
#main {
$width: 5em !global;
width: $width;
#sidebar {
width: $width;
Compiles to:
#main {
width: 5em;
#sidebar {
width: 5em;
For historical reasons, variable names (and all other Sass identifiers) are
interchangeable with hyphens (note:) -
and underscores (note:) _
. For example, if
you define a named $main-width
you can use to $main_width
access it, and vice versa.
Data Types
SassScript supports 7 main data types:
- Numbers (e.g.:
) - Text strings, quoted strings and string without quotation marks (e.g.:
) - Color (e.g.,:
,rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)
) - Boolean value (for example:
) - Empty (for example:
) - Value list (List), or comma-separated by spaces (eg:
1.5em 1em 0 2em
,Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
) - maps, a mapping from one value to another (for example:
(key1: value1, key2: value2)
SassScript also supports CSS property values of all other types, such as Unicode
character set, or !important
a statement. However, these types of attribute values are not
treated specially and are always treated as unquoted strings.
CSS specifies two types of strings: quoted strings (note: including double quotes and
single quotes), such as "Lucida Grande"
or ''
, and unquoted
strings, such as sans-serif
or bold
. SassScript recognizes both types, and in
general, the type of strings used in Sass documents is not changed in the compiled output CSS file.
With one exception, when using #{}
interpolation , quoted strings will be compiled into unquoted
strings, which is mainly for convenience, such as selector names in mixins . E.g:
@mixin firefox-message($selector) {
body.firefox #{$selector}:before {
content: "Hi, Firefox users!";
@include firefox-message(".header");
Compiles to:
body.firefox .header:before {
content: "Hi, Firefox users!"; }
List (lists) refers to how CSS Sass said in a statement, similar to
margin: 10px 15px 0 0
or font-face: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
such values, a list
of just a bunch of other values, whether or comma separated by a space. In fact, independent values are
also treated as lists: a list containing only one value.
The list itself doesn't have much functionality, but Sass list functions give the array more new features: the nth function can directly access an item in the array; the join function can connect multiple arrays together; the append function can be added to the array The new value; the @each directive is able to iterate through each item in the array.
The list itself doesn't have much functionality, but SassScript list functions make
them very useful. nth
Functions can directly access an item in a list; join
functions can splice multiple lists together; append
functions can add an item to a list; @each
instructions can add styles to each item in the list.
In addition to simple values, lists can contain other lists. For example, it
1px 2px, 5px 6px
contains two items , 1px 2px
list and 5px 6px
list. If
the inner and outer lists use the same delimiter, you need to use parentheses to enclose the inner list to
specify where the inner categories begin and end.
For example, (1px 2px) (5px 6px)
it is also a 1px 2px
list containing
5px 6px
two items, list and list. The difference is that the outer layer of the list is
separated by spaces. The outer layer of the previous list is separated by commas.
When the list is compiled into CSS, Sass does not add any parentheses because CSS
does not recognize them. This means that, (1px 2px) (5px 6px)
1px 2px 5px 6px
looks exactly the same as in the CSS file compiled in. However, they are
different in Sass: the first is a list with two lists, and the second is a list with four members.
Use () to represent an empty array containing no values (also considered an empty map after Sass 3.3). Empty arrays cannot be compiled directly into CSS. For example, compiling font-family: () Sass will report an error. If the array contains empty arrays or empty values, it will be cleared at compile time, such as 1px 2px () 3px or 1px 2px null 3px.
Lists can also have no items. These lists can be ()
expressed (also a
empty the Map ).
They cannot be output directly to CSS; if you try to do so, for example font-family: ()
, Sass
will report an error. If the list contains a null value or empty list, for example
1px 2px () 3px
, or 1px 2px null 3px
, before included in a list compiled CSS, empty
list and a null value will be deleted.
A comma-separated list can retain trailing commas. This is particularly useful
because it can represent a single element list.
For example, (1,)
is represented as containing only 1
a list, but
(1 2 3,)
this representation contains a list, the list also contains a space-delimited
, 2
and 3
Maps represent a collection of key and value pairs, where keys are used to find values. They can easily collect values into named groups and can access these groups dynamically. You can't find similar values in CSS, although their syntax is similar to media query expressions:
$map: (key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3);
Unlike Lists, Maps must always be enclosed in parentheses and must be separated by commas. The keys and values in Maps can be arbitrary SassScript objects. A Maps may have only one value associated with a given key (although the value can be a list). A given value may be associated with many keys.
Similar to Lists, Maps uses SassScript functions for its main operations . map-get
Functions are used to find the values in the map. map-merge
Functions are used to add values to the map. @each
Instructions can be used to style each key-value pair in
the map. The order of key-value pairs in a map is always the same as when the map was created.
Maps can also be used for anything that Lists can do. When used in a list function,
map is treated as a list of key-value pairs. For example, (key1: value1, key2: value2)
when used
in a list function, it is treated as a nested list key1 value1, key2 value2
. Lists cannot be
considered maps, except for empty lists. ()
Represents a map with no key / value pairs, and can
also be considered a list with no elements.
Note that map keys can be of any Sass data type (or even another map), and the syntax for declaring maps is allowed to be any SassScript expression. This expression will be evaluated as a value to determine the key ( keys).
Maps cannot be converted to pure CSS. Passing a CSS function as the value or
parameter of a variable will cause an error. Use inspect($value)
functions to produce output
strings, which is useful for debugging maps.
Any CSS color expression returns a SassScript color value. This includes a large number of named colors , these name strings are indistinguishable without quotation marks.
In compressed output mode, Sass will output short CSS color representations. For
example, in the compressed mode #FF0000
will be output red
, but
the output #FFEBCD
A common problem a user encounters is that Sass likes to output the same format as the named colors in other output modes. When compressed, the colors interpolated to the selector become invalid syntax. To avoid this, always name the colors if they are intended to be used in the selection construction.
All data types support equality operations ( ==
sum !=
). In
addition, each type has its own special arithmetic.
Number Operations
SassScript supports arithmetic operations on numbers (addition +
subtraction -
, multiplication *
, division, /
and modulus
). Sass mathematical functions retain units during arithmetic operations. This means that,
just like in real life, you cannot use different unit numbers for arithmetic operations (such as adding a
sum em
unit after the number), and multiplying two numbers with the same unit
will produce a unit square ( 10px * 10px == 100px * px
). Be aware that
px * px
CSS units are invalid, and Sass will throw an error because you are trying to use
invalid units in CSS.
Supports relational operators ( <
, >
, >=
), and supports all types of the equality operator ( ==
Division and /
(Division and /
CSS allows /
occurs manner between the property value as a digital
divider (Note: e.g. font attributes p.ex2{font:italic bold 12px/20px arial,sans-serif;}
). Since
SassScript is an extension of CSS attribute syntax, so it must support this, while also allowing
for the division. This means that, by default, if the two numbers in the SassScript
, will appear the same way in the separate return of the CSS.
However, there are /
three cases that will resolve to division. These
cover most cases of division. they are:
- If the value, or any part of the value, is stored in a variable or returned by a function.
- If the value is enclosed in parentheses, unless those brackets are outside a list and the value is inside the brackets.
- If the value is used as part of another arithmetic expression.
p {
font: 10px/8px; // 原生的CSS,不作为除法
$width: 1000px;
width: $width/2; // 使用了变量, 作为除法
width: round(1.5)/2; // 使用了函数, 作为除法
height: (500px/2); // 使用了括号, 作为除法
margin-left: 5px + 8px/2px; // 使用了 +, 作为除法
font: (italic bold 10px/8px); // 在一个列表(list)中,括号可以被忽略。
Compiles to:
p {
font: 10px/8px;
width: 500px;
height: 250px;
margin-left: 9px; }
If you want pure CSS to /
be used with variables (note: /
used as division), you can #{}
insert them using . E.g:
p {
$font-size: 12px;
$line-height: 30px;
font: #{$font-size}/#{$line-height};
Compiles to:
p {
font: 12px/30px; }
Subtraction, negative, and -
(Subtraction, a Numbers
Negative, and -
And in the Sass CSS -
has many different meanings. It can be a
subtraction operator (such as in 5px - 3px
), a negative number (such as in -3px
a unary negative operator (such as in -$var
), or a part of an identifier (such as in
). Most of the time, we can easily tell -
what exactly it represents,
but there are some tricky treats. As a general rule, you are safest to use -
- Subtraction, you always
leave a space on both sides. - When representing a negative number or unary negative operation,
include a space in front and no spaces after. - If in a space-separated list, you can enclose unary negative operations in parentheses, such as in
10px (-$var)
The different meanings of the precedence are as follows:
As part of the identifier. This meansa-1
an unquoted string whose value is"a-1"
. The only exception is units; Sass generally allows any valid identifier to be used as an identifier, but identifiers cannot begin with a number or a hyphen. This means that5px-3px
and5px - 3px
are the same. -
Between two numbers without spaces. This indicates subtraction, so1-2
and1 - 2
are the same. -
Literal numbers to
begin with. This indicates a negative number, it1 -2
is a contained1
the list (list). -
Between two numbers, with or without spaces. This indicates a subtraction, so1 -$var
and1 - $var
are the same. -
Before the value. This indicates a unary negative operator; the operation requires a number and returns its negative value.
Color operations
All arithmetic operations support color values. The calculation of color values is calculated in segments, that is, the component values of red, green, and blue are calculated in order. E.g:
p {
color: #010203 + #040506;
Computing 01 + 04 = 05
, 02 + 05 = 07
03 + 06 = 09
is compiled as follows:
p {
color: #050709; }
Color functions are often more useful than trying color arithmetic to achieve the same effect.
Arithmetic operations between numbers and color values are also segmented. E.g:
p {
color: #010203 * 2;
Computing 01 * 2 = 02
, 02 * 2 = 04
03 * 2 = 06
is compiled as follows:
p {
color: #020406; }
Note that colors containing alpha channels (those created by rgba or hsla functions) must have the same alpha value in order to perform color calculations. This arithmetic does not affect the alpha value. E.g:
p {
color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75) + rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75);
Compiles to:
p {
color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.75); }
The alpha channel of the color can be adjusted using the opacify and transparentize functions. E.g:
$translucent-red: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
p {
color: opacify($translucent-red, 0.3);
background-color: transparentize($translucent-red, 0.25);
Compiles to:
p {
color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8);
background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.25); }
The IE browser's filters require that all colors include an alpha layer, and the format must be fixed #AABBCCDD. Use the ie_hex_str function to easily convert colors to the format required by IE filters. E.g:
$translucent-red: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
$green: #00ff00;
div {
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled='false', startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($green)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($translucent-red)}');
Compiles to:
div {
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled='false', startColorstr=#FF00FF00, endColorstr=#80FF0000);
String operations
Operations can be used to concatenate strings:
p {
cursor: e + -resize;
Compiles to:
p {
cursor: e-resize; }
Please note that if the string is added to the quoted string without quotation marks
in (that is, a quoted string in +
the left side),
then the results returned is a quoted string. Similarly, if one does not add quoted string to the quoted
string (string without quotation marks in +
the left) the result returned is not a quoted string
belt. E.g:
p:before {
content: "Foo " + Bar;
font-family: sans- + "serif";
Compiles to:
p:before {
content: "Foo Bar";
font-family: sans-serif; }
By default, when expressions are used in conjunction with other values, spaces are used as connectors:
p {
margin: 3px + 4px auto;
Compiles to:
p {
margin: 7px auto; }
In text strings, # {}-style interpolation can be used to place dynamic values in strings:
p:before {
content: "I ate #{5 + 10} pies!";
Compiles to:
p:before {
content: "I ate 15 pies!"; }
Null values are treated as empty strings during string interpolation:
$value: null;
p:before {
content: "I ate #{$value} pies!";
Compiles to:
p:before {
content: "I ate pies!"; }
Boolean operations
SassScript support Boolean values and
, or
List operations
Arrays do not support any special operations and can only be controlled using the list function .
Parentheses can be used to influence the order of operations (note: priority):
p {
width: 1em + (2em * 3);
Compiles to:
p {
width: 7em; }
SassScript defines some useful functions that can be called like normal CSS function syntax:
p {
color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%);
Compiles to:
p {
color: #ff0000; }
For a complete list of available functions, see this page .
Keyword Arguments
The Sass function allows calls to be specified with explicit keyword arguments. The above example can also be rewritten as:
p {
color: hsl($hue: 0, $saturation: 100%, $lightness: 50%);
Although not concise, it can make Sass code easier to read. Keyword parameters make the function have a more flexible interface, even if there are many parameters, it will not make it difficult to use.
Named arguments can be passed in any order, and parameters with default values can be omitted. Because named parameters are also variable names, underscores and dashes can be used interchangeably.
For a complete list of Sass functions and their parameter names, and how to define your own functions in Ruby, see Sass :: Script :: Functions .
Interpolation: #{}(
Interpolation: )
You can also #{}
use SassScript variable and attribute names in selectors
interpolation syntax:
$name: foo;
$attr: border;
p.#{$name} {
#{$attr}-color: blue;
Compiles to: {
border-color: blue; }
It can also #{}
insert SassScript into attribute values using
interpolation statements. In most cases, this may not be as easy to make direct use of variables, but using
means near its operators will be treated as plain CSS (Note: to avoid all kinds of
operations). E.g:
p {
$font-size: 12px;
$line-height: 30px;
font: #{$font-size}/#{$line-height};
Compiles to:
p {
font: 12px/30px; }
SassScript &
( &
in SassScript)
Just like when it is used in a selector , SassScript
points to the current parent selector. Below is a comma-separated list with a
space-separated list. E.g: .baz.bang, .bip.qux {
$selector: &;
The value is now
(("" ".baz.bang"), ".bip.qux")
. This hybrid selector is quoted here to indicate that
they are strings, but in reality they will be unquoted. Even if the selector does not contain commas or
spaces, &
there will always be two levels of nesting, so it guarantees access consistency.
If there is no parent selector, &
the value will be empty. This means
you can use it in a mixin to detect if the parent selection exists:
@mixin does-parent-exist {
@if & {
&:hover {
color: red;
} @else {
a {
color: red;
Variable Default: !default
Defaults: )
If the value assigned to a variable is followed by a !default
flag, this
means that if the variable has already been assigned, it will not be reassigned, but if it has not already
been assigned, then it will be assigned a new given value.
$content: "First content";
$content: "Second content?" !default;
$new_content: "First time reference" !default;
#main {
content: $content;
new-content: $new_content;
Compiles to:
#main {
content: "First content";
new-content: "First time reference"; }
! By default, when assigned, if the variable is null
value, it will be
treated as unassigned (Note: The value of $ content so the following "Non-null content"):
$content: null;
$content: "Non-null content" !default;
#main {
content: $content;
Compiles to:
#main {
content: "Non-null content"; }
Rules @
and Directives
Sass CSS3 support all the @
rules, and some other specific Sass known
"instruction." These Sass has a corresponding effect, for more information, please see the control command (control directives) and mixing
instructions (mixin directives) .
Sass extends CSS @import
rules to allow it to import SCSS or Sass files.
All imported SCSS or Sass files will be merged together into the same CSS file. In addition, any variables
or mixins defined in the imported file can be included in the main file (Note: The
value of the main file is the file that imports other files, that is, the B file is imported into the A
file. Is the A file).
Sass will look for other Sass files in the current directory and the Rack, Rails,
Merb directories. Additional search directories can be specified using :load_paths
options or options on the command line
Normally, @import looks for Sass files and imports them, but in the following cases @import is just a normal CSS statement and does not import any Sass files.
Need a file name to import. By default, it looks for a Sass file
to import directly, but in the following cases, it is only used as a regular CSS @import rule statement, and
no Sass file is imported.
- If the file extension is
. - If the file name to
begin. - If the file name is
. - If
it contains any media queries.
If none of the above conditions are met and the extension is .scss
, then the Sass or SCSS file will be imported. If no extension is specified, Sass will try
to find the file with the .scss
or .sass
extension and import it.
@import "foo.scss";
@import "foo";
Both lines of code can import the file foo.scss
, and
@import "foo.css";
@import "foo" screen;
@import "";
@import url(foo);
Compile all to
@import "foo.css";
@import "foo" screen;
@import "";
@import url(foo);
Sass in a support @import
import multiple files at the same time rules.
@import "rounded-corners", "text-shadow";
Both files rounded-corners
and are imported text-shadow
Import rules may contain #{}
interpolation, but there are certain
restrictions. Sass files cannot be dynamically imported through variables; #{}
interpolation is
only applicable to CSS import rules. Therefore, it applies only to url()
$family: unquote("Droid+Sans");
@import url("{$family}");
Will compile to
@import url("");
If you have an SCSS or Sass file to import but don't want to compile it to a CSS file, you can add an underscore at the beginning of the file name. This will tell Sass not to compile it to a normal CSS file. However, there is no need to add an underscore in the import statement.
For example, you might have a name for the _colors.scss
file, but will
not be compiled into a _colors.css
document. You can do
@import "colors";
In this way, it _colors.scss
will be imported.
Note Do not underlined and not underlined the same file is placed in the same
directory, for example, _colors.scss
and colors.scss
can not exist simultaneously in
the same directory. Otherwise, underlined files will be ignored.
Nesting @import
(Nested @import
Although in most cases it is generally used at the top level of the document (note:
the outermost level, not inside nested rules) @import
, you can also @media
statements in CSS rules and rules . Like a grassroots @import
, where it
will contain @import
the contents of the imported file. However, this rule can only be
introduced to prevent nesting in the original @import
For example, if example.scss
.example {
color: red;
Then (Note: introducing into #main
the style)
#main {
@import "example";
Note: This import is equivalent to:
#main {
.example {
color: red;
Will be compiled as
#main .example {
color: red;
This directive is only allowed at the top level of the document (Note: the outermost
level, not in the nesting rules), like @mixin
or @charset
in the file, it is not
allowed to be @import
imported into a nesting context.
Nesting in mixins or control directives is not allowed @import
Sass in @media
behavioral instructions and pure CSS in the same, but
added a bit of extra features: they can be nested CSS rules. If a @media
directive appears in a
CSS rule, it will be bubbled to the top of the style sheet and contains all the selectors in the rule. This
makes it easy to add specific media styles without having to reuse selectors or disrupt the style sheet
writing flow. E.g:
.sidebar {
width: 300px;
@media screen and (orientation: landscape) {
width: 500px;
Compiles to:
.sidebar {
width: 300px; }
@media screen and (orientation: landscape) {
.sidebar {
width: 500px; } }
Queries can also be nested within each other. These queries
(queries) at compile time, will use the and
operating symbol combination. E.g:
@media screen {
.sidebar {
@media (orientation: landscape) {
width: 500px;
Compiles to:
@media screen and (orientation: landscape) {
.sidebar {
width: 500px; } }
@media can even use SassScript (such as variables, functions, and operators) instead of condition names or values:
Finally, @media
queries can include SassScript expressions (including
variables, functions, and operators) instead of feature names and feature values.
$media: screen;
$feature: -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio;
$value: 1.5;
@media #{$media} and ($feature: $value) {
.sidebar {
width: 500px;
Compiles to:
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
.sidebar {
width: 500px; } }
This is often the case when designing a page: when a style class contains all the styles of another class, and its own specific style. The most common way to deal with this is to use both a generic style class and a special style class in HTML. For example, suppose we design a style that requires both a common error and a severe error. We can write something like this:
<div class="error seriousError">
Oh no! You've been hacked!
Our style is as follows
.error {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd;
.seriousError {
border-width: 3px;
Unfortunately, this means that we must always remember to use
them together .error
This is a burden for maintenance and even leads to tricky mistakes and leads to unspoken styles.
The directive avoids these problems and tells Sass that the style
of one selector should inherit another. E.g:
.error {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd;
.seriousError {
@extend .error;
border-width: 3px;
Compiles to:
.error, .seriousError {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd;
.seriousError {
border-width: 3px;
This means .error
that all styles defined also apply
, except .seriousError
for specific styles. Equivalently, every
element with a .error
class also carries a class.
Other .error
rules that use the same will be inherited to
, for example, if we have a special wrong style hack:
.error.intrusion {
background-image: url("/image/hacked.png");
And <div class="seriousError intrusion">
we will also use the
How it works
Insert an extended selector (for example
) by appearing in the style sheet where the extended selector (for example )
appears . Take the example above:
.error {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd;
.error.intrusion {
background-image: url("/image/hacked.png");
.seriousError {
@extend .error;
border-width: 3px;
Compiles to:
.error, .seriousError {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd; }
.error.intrusion, .seriousError.intrusion {
background-image: url("/image/hacked.png"); }
.seriousError {
border-width: 3px; }
When merging selectors, she @extend
is clever to avoid unnecessary
duplication, so like .seriousError.seriousError
will convert to .seriousError
, and
in addition, she won't generate selectors that cannot match any element (for example
Extended Complex Selectors
Class selectors are not the only ones that can be extended. Sass allows any selector defined to a single element to be extended, such as, a: hover or a.user [href ^ = "http: //"] Etc, for example:
Class selection is not the only extensibility. She can extend any individual
definition of the selector element, such as
, a:hover
, or
. E.g:
.hoverlink {
@extend a:hover;
As with the class element, this means that the a:hover
defined styles
also apply .hoverlink
. E.g:
.hoverlink {
@extend a:hover;
a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
Compiles to:
a:hover, .hoverlink {
text-decoration: underline; }
And the above .error.intrusion
examples, like a:hover
in all
styles will to inherit .hoverlink
, even including the use of her other styles, such as:
.hoverlink {
@extend a:hover;
.comment a.user:hover {
font-weight: bold;
Compiles to:
.comment a.user:hover, .comment .user.hoverlink {
font-weight: bold; }
Multiple Extends
The same selector can expand multiple selectors. This means that it inherits all the styles of the extended selector. E.g:
.error {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd;
.attention {
font-size: 3em;
background-color: #ff0;
.seriousError {
@extend .error;
@extend .attention;
border-width: 3px;
Compiles to:
.error, .seriousError {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd; }
.attention, .seriousError {
font-size: 3em;
background-color: #ff0; }
.seriousError {
border-width: 3px; }
Each .seriousError
element with a class also has
classes and .attention
Therefore, the definition of style in the back of the document takes precedence over the definition of style
in front of the document: .seriousError
The background color is #ff0
, rather
, because .attention
in .error
the definition of the back.
Multiple extensions can also be written with a comma-separated list of selectors. For
example, @extend .error, .attention
equivalent @extend .error; @extend .attention
Chaining Extends
One selector can expand another selector, and another selector expands the third selector selection. E.g:
.error {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd;
.seriousError {
@extend .error;
border-width: 3px;
.criticalError {
@extend .seriousError;
position: fixed;
top: 10%;
bottom: 10%;
left: 10%;
right: 10%;
Now, with .seriousError
each element of class will contain
class, with .criticalError
each element of the class includes not only the
class will also include .error
classes, the above code is compiled as
.error, .seriousError, .criticalError {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd; }
.seriousError, .criticalError {
border-width: 3px; }
.criticalError {
position: fixed;
top: 10%;
bottom: 10%;
left: 10%;
right: 10%; }
Selector Sequences
Selector sequences such as .foo .bar
or .foo + .bar
are not
currently available as extensions. However, the selector sequence itself can be used @extend
#fake-links .link {
@extend a;
a {
color: blue;
&:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
Will be compiled to:
a, #fake-links .link {
color: blue; }
a:hover, #fake-links .link:hover {
text-decoration: underline; }
Merging Selector Sequences
Sometimes a selector sequence extends another selector, and this selector appears in another selector sequence. In this case, the two selector sequences need to be merged. E.g:
#admin .tabbar a {
font-weight: bold;
#demo .overview .fakelink {
@extend a;
Technically speaking, it can generate the results of all the matching conditions, but the style sheet generated is too complicated. The simple example above may have 10 results. So, Sass will only compile and output useful selectors.
When two columns are merged, if they do not contain the same selector, two new selectors are generated: the first is listed before the second, or the second is listed before the first. E.g:
#admin .tabbar a {
font-weight: bold;
#demo .overview .fakelink {
@extend a;
Compiles to:
#admin .tabbar a,
#admin .tabbar #demo .overview .fakelink,
#demo .overview #admin .tabbar .fakelink {
font-weight: bold; }
If two columns contain the same selector, the same parts will be merged together, and
the other parts will be output alternately. In the following example, both columns are included
, and they are merged together in the output:
#admin .tabbar a {
font-weight: bold;
#admin .overview .fakelink {
@extend a;
Compiles to:
#admin .tabbar a,
#admin .tabbar .overview .fakelink,
#admin .overview .tabbar .fakelink {
font-weight: bold; }
-Only @extend
Sometimes you just want to write a @extend
extended style class, you do
not want to use directly in your HTML. When writing a Sass style library, which is particularly useful if
they need to, where you can provide @extend
extended style to the user, if they do not directly
In this case, if you use ordinary style classes, you will have a lot of extra (note:
useless) CSS in the style sheet you end up generating, and it is easy to cause when HTML is used in
combination with other style classes. conflict. That's why Sass supports "placeholders" (for example,
Placeholder selector looks like an ordinary class and id selector only
, or .
is replaced %
. It can be used like a class or id selector, and
its rules are not compiled into CSS files. E.g:
// This ruleset won't be rendered on its own.
#context a%extreme {
color: blue;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 2em;
Placeholder selectors, just like class and id selectors, can be used for extensions. Extension selectors will be compiled into CSS, and placeholder selectors themselves will not be compiled. E.g:
.notice {
@extend %extreme;
Compiles to:
#context a.notice {
color: blue;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 2em; }
The !optional
Usually, when you expand a selector, if it @extend
doesn't work, you will
get an error message.
For example, if there is no .notice
selector, so you write
a.important {@extend .notice}
, it will be thrown. If only h1.notice
one selector is
included .notice
, an error will also be reported. As h1
will the
conflict, and will not generate a new selector.
However, sometimes, you @extend
don't want to generate any new selectors.
Just after selecting add !optional
logo on it. E.g:
a.important {
@extend .notice !optional;
Instruction @extend
( @extend
In the instruction @extend
time (such as in the
middle), there are some limitations: Sass will not @media
expand the outer
layer to CSS rules CSS layer in the instruction, it will generate a lot of dead code. This means that if
used in @media
(or other CSS directives) @extend
, it must be extended to selectors
in the same directive layer.
The following example works:
@media print {
.error {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd;
.seriousError {
@extend .error;
border-width: 3px;
But the following example will report an error:
.error {
border: 1px #f00;
background-color: #fdd;
@media print {
.seriousError {
// INVALID EXTEND: .error is used outside of the "@media print" directive
@extend .error;
border-width: 3px;
I hope that one day, the browser can natively supports
instruction, so that you can @media
use and extend the functionality of
other instructions.
Directives cause one or more rules to be restricted to output at
the root level of the document, rather than being nested under its parent selector.
It can be used with single or inline selectors:
.parent {
@at-root .child { ... }
This will generate:
.parent { ... }
.child { ... }
Or it can be used in a code block containing multiple selectors:
.parent {
@at-root {
.child1 { ... }
.child2 { ... }
.step-child { ... }
This will output the following:
.parent { ... }
.child1 { ... }
.child2 { ... }
.parent .step-child { ... }
@at-root (without: ...)
@at-root (with: ...)
( @at-root (without: ...)
and `@ at-root (with: ...))
By default, @at-root
selectors are simply excluded. However, it can also
be used to @at-root
move selectors out of nested instructions (for example @media
@media print {
.page {
width: 8in;
@at-root (without: media) {
color: red;
@media print {
.page {
width: 8in;
.page {
color: red;
You can use to @at-root (without: ...)
move rules out of any instruction.
You can also make multiple instructions to do this, as long as a plurality of instructions can be separated
by spaces: the @at-root (without: media supports)
will to move rules @media
queries (queries) away.
There are two special values you can pass to @at-root
. "rule" refers
to normal CSS rules; @at-root (without: rule)
equivalent to no query @at-root
@at-root (without: all)
This means that the style should move beyond all directives and
CSS rules.
If you want to specify which directives or rules are included, rather than which
should be excluded, then you can use with
instead without
For example, @at-root (with: rule)
move the rule out of all directives, but keep it inside the
CSS rules.
The instruction prints the value of a SassScript expression to the
standard error output stream. This is useful for debugging Sass files with complex SassScript expressions.
@debug 10em + 12em;
Line 1 DEBUG: 22em
The instruction prints the value of a SassScript expression to the
standard error output stream. This is useful to warn users to deprecate libraries or fix minor errors in
mixins. @warn
And @debug
there are major differences between the two:
- You can turn off warnings using
command line options or:quiet
Sass options. - Style sheet tracking will be printed with the message so that users can see where their style caused the warning.
Example usage:
@mixin adjust-location($x, $y) {
@if unitless($x) {
@warn "Assuming #{$x} to be in pixels";
$x: 1px * $x;
@if unitless($y) {
@warn "Assuming #{$y} to be in pixels";
$y: 1px * $y;
position: relative; left: $x; top: $y;
The instruction throws the value of a SassScript expression as a
fatal error, which includes a nice stack trace. This is useful for verifying mixins and function parameters.
@mixin adjust-location($x, $y) {
@if unitless($x) {
@error "$x may not be unitless, was #{$x}.";
@if unitless($y) {
@error "$y may not be unitless, was #{$y}.";
position: relative; left: $x; top: $y;
There is currently no way to catch errors.
Control Directives & Expressions
SassScript supports some basic control instructions and expressions, such as including styles only under certain conditions, or including the same style several times.
Note: The control instruction is an advanced feature that is not commonly used in daily writing. It is mainly used in mixins instructions, especially libraries like Compass .
Built-in if()
functions let you process branches in one condition and
return two possible results. It can be used in any script context. if
The function evaluates
only the corresponding parameter and returns-this allows you to reference a variable that has been defined
or can be calculated, otherwise it will cause an error (for example, division by zero).
if(true, 1px, 2px) => 1px
if(false, 1px, 2px) => 2px
Instruction requires a SassScript expression and the nested style
below it to be used, if the expression value is not returned false
or null
, then
spend behind in brackets will return:
p {
@if 1 + 1 == 2 { border: 1px solid; }
@if 5 < 3 { border: 2px dotted; }
@if null { border: 3px double; }
Compiles to:
p {
border: 1px solid; }
Behind the statement with multiple @else if
and a @else
If the @if
statement fails, Sass will try the @else if
statements one by one
until one succeeds, or if all fails, the @else
statement will be executed . E.g:
$type: monster;
p {
@if $type == ocean {
color: blue;
} @else if $type == matador {
color: red;
} @else if $type == monster {
color: green;
} @else {
color: black;
Compiles to:
p {
color: green; }
The instruction repeatedly outputs a set of styles. For each
iteration, the counter variable is used to adjust the output. This instruction has two forms:
@for $var from <start> through <end>
@for $var from <start> to <end>
. Note the keywords through
different. $var
It can be any variable name, for example $i
and <end>
should return an integer SassScript expression. When
the <start>
ratio is <end>
larger, the counter is decremented instead of
The statement is set $var
to each consecutive value in
the specified range, and $var
the value used in the nested style of each output . For
from ... through
a form, the range including<start>
values, but from ... to
the form of the
operation start, but does not include<end>
Using through
@for $i from 1 through 3 {
.item-#{$i} { width: 2em * $i; }
Compiles to:
.item-1 {
width: 2em; }
.item-2 {
width: 4em; }
.item-3 {
width: 6em; }
The format of the instruction is usually
@each $var in <list or map>
. $var
It can be any variable name, like
or $name
, and <list or map>
is a SassScript expression
that returns a list or map.
The rule will be $var
set to each item in the list or
map, with $var
the values used in the output style . E.g:
@each $animal in puma, sea-slug, egret, salamander {
.#{$animal}-icon {
background-image: url('/images/#{$animal}.png');
Compiles to:
.puma-icon {
background-image: url('/images/puma.png'); }
.sea-slug-icon {
background-image: url('/images/sea-slug.png'); }
.egret-icon {
background-image: url('/images/egret.png'); }
.salamander-icon {
background-image: url('/images/salamander.png'); }
Multiple Assignment
Instructions can also use multiple variables in the format
@each $var1,$var2, ... in <list>
. In the case <list>
of a list, each
element in the sublist is assigned to its own variable. E.g:
@each $animal, $color, $cursor in (puma, black, default),
(sea-slug, blue, pointer),
(egret, white, move) {
.#{$animal}-icon {
background-image: url('/images/#{$animal}.png');
border: 2px solid $color;
cursor: $cursor;
Compiles to:
.puma-icon {
background-image: url('/images/puma.png');
border: 2px solid black;
cursor: default; }
.sea-slug-icon {
background-image: url('/images/sea-slug.png');
border: 2px solid blue;
cursor: pointer; }
.egret-icon {
background-image: url('/images/egret.png');
border: 2px solid white;
cursor: move; }
Because maps are treated as a list of key-value pairs, multiple assignments also work well. E.g:
@each $header, $size in (h1: 2em, h2: 1.5em, h3: 1.2em) {
#{$header} {
font-size: $size;
Compiles to:
h1 {
font-size: 2em; }
h2 {
font-size: 1.5em; }
h3 {
font-size: 1.2em; }
The instruction repeatedly outputs the nested style until the
SassScript expression returns a result false
. This can be used to implement
more complex loops than statements, but it is rarely used such as:
$i: 6;
@while $i > 0 {
.item-#{$i} { width: 2em * $i; }
$i: $i - 2;
Compiles to:
.item-6 {
width: 12em; }
.item-4 {
width: 8em; }
.item-2 {
width: 4em; }
Mixin Directives
Mixins allow you to define styles that can be reused throughout the stylesheet
without the use of non-semantic classes, such as .float-left
. Mixins can also include all CSS
rules, and anything else allowed in Sass documents.
They can even bring arguments , introduce variables, and output a variety of
styles with a small amount of mixin code.
Definition of a mixed (a mixin): @mixin
(A Mixin
the Defining: @mixin
Mixing (a mixin) by the @mixin
definition instruction. It is followed by
the name of the mixin and optional arguments (parameters) , and the content
block of the mixin. For example, large-text
mixin is defined as follows:
@mixin large-text {
font: {
family: Arial;
size: 20px;
weight: bold;
color: #ff0000;
Blends can also contain a mix of selectors and attributes, and selectors can even contain parent references . E.g:
@mixin clearfix {
display: inline-block;
&:after {
content: ".";
display: block;
height: 0;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;
* html & { height: 1px }
For historical reasons, mixin names (and all other Sass identifiers) are
interchangeable with hyphens and underscores. For example, if you define a add-column
named , you can treat it as a add_column
Reference style mixing: @include
(A Mixin
Including: @include
Use @include
instructions may be mixed into (a mixin) introduced into the
document. This requires a mixin name and optional parameters to be passed to
it , and includes the style of the current rule defined by the mixin. E.g:
.page-title {
@include large-text;
padding: 4px;
margin-top: 10px;
Compiles to:
.page-title {
font-family: Arial;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ff0000;
padding: 4px;
margin-top: 10px; }
Mixins can also be included outside of any rule (ie, at the root of the document), as long as they don't directly define any attributes or use any parent selector references. E.g:
@mixin silly-links {
a {
color: blue;
background-color: red;
@include silly-links;
Compiles to:
a {
color: blue;
background-color: red; }
A mixin definition can also include other mixins. E.g:
@mixin compound {
@include highlighted-background;
@include header-text;
@mixin highlighted-background { background-color: #fc0; }
@mixin header-text { font-size: 20px; }
Mixing can include itself. This behavior is different from versions before Sass 3.3, where mixin recursion was previously prohibited.
A mix-in that only defines descendant selectors can be safely mixed into the top level of the file.
Mixins can take SassScript values as parameters. The given parameters are included in the mixin and provided to the mixin as variables.
When defining a mixin, the parameter is used as the variable name and written in parentheses after the mixin name. Multiple parameters can be separated by commas. Then, when the mixin is called, the values are passed in the corresponding parameter order. E.g:
@mixin sexy-border($color, $width) {
border: {
color: $color;
width: $width;
style: dashed;
p { @include sexy-border(blue, 1in); }
Compiles to:
p {
border-color: blue;
border-width: 1in;
border-style: dashed; }
Mixins can also specify default values for parameters using ordinary variable assignment syntax. Then, when calling mixin, if no parameter is assigned a value, the default value is automatically used instead. E.g:
@mixin sexy-border($color, $width: 1in) {
border: {
color: $color;
width: $width;
style: dashed;
p { @include sexy-border(blue); }
h1 { @include sexy-border(blue, 2in); }
Compiles to:
p {
border-color: blue;
border-width: 1in;
border-style: dashed; }
h1 {
border-color: blue;
border-width: 2in;
border-style: dashed; }
Keyword Arguments
Mixins @include
can also use explicit keyword arguments when they are
introduced ( instructions). For example, the above example can be written as:
p { @include sexy-border($color: blue); }
h1 { @include sexy-border($color: blue, $width: 2in); }
Although this is not concise enough, it can make the style sheet easier to read. It presents a more flexible interface to functions, which makes multi-parameter mixing easier to call.
Named parameters can be passed in any order, and parameters with default values can be omitted. Because named parameters are variable names, underscores and hyphens can be used interchangeably.
Variable Arguments
Sometimes it is not possible to determine how many parameters a mixin or function
uses. For example, a mixin used to create a box-shadow can take any number of box-shadows as parameters. For
these cases, Sass supports "variable parameters" where parameters are declared at the end of a mixin or
function and all remaining parameters are packed into a list . Parameters look just
like ordinary parameters, but are followed by them ...
. E.g:
@mixin box-shadow($shadows...) {
-moz-box-shadow: $shadows;
-webkit-box-shadow: $shadows;
box-shadow: $shadows;
.shadows {
@include box-shadow(0px 4px 5px #666, 2px 6px 10px #999);
Compiles to:
.shadows {
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 4px 5px #666, 2px 6px 10px #999;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 4px 5px #666, 2px 6px 10px #999;
box-shadow: 0px 4px 5px #666, 2px 6px 10px #999;
Variadic parameters can contain any keyword arguments passed to a mixin or function.
These can be accessed using keywords($args)
functions , returning a map, parameter name strings (none
), and value key-value pairs.
Variadic parameters can also be used when calling (@include directives) a mixin. Using the same syntax, you can expand a list of values so that each value is passed in as a separate parameter, or a map of values to make each key-value pair treated as a keyword parameter. E.g:
@mixin colors($text, $background, $border) {
color: $text;
background-color: $background;
border-color: $border;
$values: #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff;
.primary {
@include colors($values...);
$value-map: (text: #00ff00, background: #0000ff, border: #ff0000);
.secondary {
@include colors($value-map...);
Compiles to:
.primary {
color: #ff0000;
background-color: #00ff00;
border-color: #0000ff;
.secondary {
color: #00ff00;
background-color: #0000ff;
border-color: #ff0000;
You can pass a list and a map parameter at the same time, as long as the list is
before the map, for example @include colors($values..., $map...)
You can use variable parameters to wrap a mixin and add extra styles without changing the parameter signature of the mixin. If you do this, the keyword arguments will be passed directly through the wrapped mixin. E.g:
@mixin wrapped-stylish-mixin($args...) {
font-weight: bold;
@include stylish-mixin($args...);
.stylish {
// The $width argument will get passed on to "stylish-mixin" as a keyword
@include wrapped-stylish-mixin(#00ff00, $width: 100px);
Passing Content Blocks to a Mixin
The style content block can be passed to the mixin where the style is contained. Any
style content block will appear in a mixed @content
position command. This makes it possible to
define the parsing of abstract associations to selectors and instructions.
@mixin apply-to-ie6-only {
* html {
@include apply-to-ie6-only {
#logo {
background-image: url(/logo.gif);
* html #logo {
background-image: url(/logo.gif);
The same mixing (a mixin) may be .sass
abbreviated syntax (
may be =
expressed, and @include
can be
represented) is accomplished:
* html
background-image: url(/logo.gif)
Note: When the @content
instruction is specified
multiple times or in a loop, the style block will be copied and referenced in each call.
Variable Scope and Content Blocks
The content block passed to the mixin is evaluated in its defined scope, not the scope of the mixin. This means that local variables of the mixin cannot be passed to the style block and the variables will be resolved to global values:
$color: white;
@mixin colors($color: blue) {
background-color: $color;
border-color: $color;
.colors {
@include colors { color: $color; }
Compiles to:
.colors {
background-color: blue;
color: white;
border-color: blue;
Also, this clearly shows that variables and mixins passed into the block point to other styles around the block definition. E.g:
#sidebar {
$sidebar-width: 300px;
width: $sidebar-width;
@include smartphone {
width: $sidebar-width / 3;
Function Directives
Sass supports custom functions and can be used in any value or script context. E.g
$grid-width: 40px;
$gutter-width: 10px;
@function grid-width($n) {
@return $n * $grid-width + ($n - 1) * $gutter-width;
#sidebar { width: grid-width(5); }
#sidebar {
width: 240px; }
As you can see, functions can access any globally defined variables and accept
parameters, just like a mixin. Functions can contain statements, and you must call @return
set the function's return value.
As with mixins, you can use keyword arguments to call Sass-defined functions. In the above example, we can call the function like this:
#sidebar { width: grid-width($n: 5); }
It is recommended that you prefix the functions to avoid naming conflicts. When
others read the stylesheets, they will know that they are not native to Sass or CSS. For example, if you
work for ACME, you can name the function above -acme-grid-width
User-defined functions also support variable parameters in the same way as mixins.
For historical reasons, hyphens and underscores are interchangeable in function names
(and all other Sass identifiers). For example, if you define a grid-width
function named , you
can do it by grid_width
calling it and vice versa.
Output style
Although Sass's default CSS output format is very good and reflects the structure of the document, because everyone's preferences and needs are different, Sass supports several other formats.
Sass provides four output formats, which can be set via the :style
options option, or using the --style option on the command
Sass allows you to set :style
options or use
the --style
command line flag to choose between four different output formats.
The nested format is Sass's default output format because its format reflects CSS styles and HTML document structure. Each attribute occupies a separate line, but indentation is not fixed. Each rule is indented based on its nesting depth. E.g:
#main {
color: #fff;
background-color: #000; }
#main p {
width: 10em; }
.huge {
font-size: 10em;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: underline; }
The nested format is very useful when reading large CSS files: you don't have to read them in detail to make it easy to grasp the structure of the file.
The expanded format is more like hand-written CSS styles, with each property and rule on its own line. The attributes within the rule are indented, but the rule does not have any special indentation. E.g:
#main {
color: #fff;
background-color: #000;
#main p {
width: 10em;
.huge {
font-size: 10em;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: underline;
The compact format takes up less space than the nested or expanded format. This format focuses on selectors, not their attributes. Each CSS rule occupies a separate line, and this line also includes each attribute defined. Nested rules are on a separate line, and non-nested selectors output blank lines as separators. E.g:
#main { color: #fff; background-color: #000; }
#main p { width: 10em; }
.huge { font-size: 10em; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }
The compressed format occupies as little space as possible, there will be a newline at the end of the file, and there are basically no extra spaces except for the necessary delimiting selector. It also includes some other small compression, such as choosing the smallest color Representation. This means poor readability. E.g:
#main{color:#fff;background-color:#000}#main p{width:10em}.huge{font-size:10em;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline}
Extending Sass
For unique needs, Sass offers users a number of advanced customization features. Using these features requires a deep understanding of Ruby.
Defining Custom Sass Functions
Users can customize Sass function by Ruby API, for more information please see the source code documentation .
Cache Stores
Sass caches documents that have already been parsed, which makes them reusable
without having to parse them again unless they have been changed. By default, Sass these cache files will be
written to :cache_location
the specified file system. If
you can't write to the file system or need a ruby process or computer to share the cache, then you can
define your own cache storage and set :cache_store
options .
For more information on creating a custom cache store, check out the source code
documentation .
Custom Importers
Sass import is mainly responsible for getting the paths passed to
and finding the corresponding Sass code for these paths. By default, this code is loaded
from the file
system , but Importers can be loaded from the database, added to Sass via HTTP, or using a different
file naming scheme.
Each importer is responsible for a separate load path (or any corresponding backend
concept). The importer can be placed in :load_paths
an array along with a normal file system path .
When parsing one @import
, Sass will successfully import the path by
looking for the importer by loading the path. Once found, the imported file is used.
User-created imports must inherit from Sass :: Importers :: Base .