Template engines
The packages listed below may be outdated, no longer maintained or even broken. Listing here does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation from the Expressjs project team. Use at your own risk.
These template engines work “out-of-the-box” with Express:
- Pug: Haml-inspired template engine (formerly Jade).
- Haml.js: Haml implementation.
- EJS: Embedded JavaScript template engine.
- hbs: Adapter for Handlebars.js, an extension of Mustache.js template engine.
- Squirrelly: Blazing-fast template engine that supports partials, helpers, custom tags, and caching. Not white-space sensitive, works with any language.
- React: Renders React components on the server. It renders static markup and does not support mounting those views on the client.
- h4e: Adapter for Hogan.js, with support for partials and layouts.
- hulk-hogan: Adapter for Twitter’s Hogan.js (Mustache syntax), with support for Partials.
- combyne.js: A template engine that hopefully works the way you’d expect.
- swig: Fast, Django-like template engine.
- Nunjucks: Inspired by jinja/twig.
- marko: A fast and lightweight HTML-based templating engine that compiles templates to CommonJS modules and supports streaming, async rendering and custom tags. (Renders directly to the HTTP response stream).
- whiskers: Small, fast, mustachioed.
- Blade: HTML Template Compiler, inspired by Jade & Haml.
- Haml-Coffee: Haml templates where you can write inline CoffeeScript.
- Webfiller: Plain-html5 dual-side rendering, self-configuring routes, organized source tree, 100% js.
- express-hbs: Handlebars with layouts, partials and blocks for express 3 from Barc.
- express-handlebars: A Handlebars view engine for Express which doesn’t suck.
- express-views-dom: A DOM view engine for Express.
- rivets-server: Render Rivets.js templates on the server.
- Exbars: A flexible Handlebars view engine for Express.
- Liquidjs: A Liquid engine implementation for both Node.js and browsers.
- express-tl: A template-literal engine implementation for Express.
- vuexpress: A Vue.js server side rendering engine for Express.js.
- Twing: First-class Twig engine for Node.js.
The Consolidate.js library unifies the APIs of these template engines to a single Express-compatible API.
Add your template engine here!
Edit the Markdown file and add a link to your project, then submit a pull request (GitHub login required). Follow the format of the above listings.