Built-in Components
Registration and Usage
Built-in components can be used directly in templates without needing to be registered. They are also tree-shakeable: they are only included in the build when they are used.
When using them in render functions, they need to be imported explicitly. For example:
import { h, Transition } from 'vue'
h(Transition, {
/* props */
Provides animated transition effects to a single element or component.
interface TransitionProps { /** * Used to automatically generate transition CSS class names. * e.g. `name: fade'` will auto expand to `.fade-enter`, * `.fade-enter-active`, etc. */ name?: string /** * Whether to apply CSS transition classes. * Default: true */ css?: boolean /** * Specifies the type of transition events to wait for to * determine transition end timing. * Default behavior is auto detecting the type that has * longer duration. */ type?: 'transition' | 'animation' /** * Specifies explicit durations of the transition. * Default behavior is wait for the first `transitionend` * or `animationend` event on the root transition element. */ duration?: number | { enter: number; leave: number } /** * Controls the timing sequence of leaving/entering transitions. * Default behavior is simultaneous. */ mode?: 'in-out' | 'out-in' /** * Whether to apply transition on initial render. * Default: false */ appear?: boolean /** * Props for customizing transition classes. * Use kebab-case in templates, e.g. enter-from-class="xxx" */ enterFromClass?: string enterActiveClass?: string enterToClass?: string appearFromClass?: string appearActiveClass?: string appearToClass?: string leaveFromClass?: string leaveActiveClass?: string leaveToClass?: string }
Simple element:
<Transition> <div v-if="ok">toggled content</div> </Transition>
Dynamic component, with transition mode + animate on appear:
<Transition name="fade" mode="out-in" appear> <component :is="view"></component> </Transition>
Listening to transition events:
<Transition @after-enter="onTransitionComplete"> <div v-show="ok">toggled content</div> </Transition>
Provides transition effects for multiple elements or components in a list.
accepts the same props as<Transition>
, plus two additional props:interface TransitionGroupProps extends Omit<TransitionProps, 'mode'> { /** * If not defined, renders as a fragment. */ tag?: string /** * For customizing the CSS class applied during move transitions. * Use kebab-case in templates, e.g. move-class="xxx" */ moveClass?: string }
emits the same events as<Transition>
By default,
doesn't render a wrapper DOM element, but one can be defined via thetag
prop.Note that every child in a
must be uniquely keyed for the animations to work properly.<TransitionGroup>
supports moving transitions via CSS transform. When a child's position on screen has changed after an update, it will get applied a moving CSS class (auto generated from thename
attribute or configured with themove-class
prop). If the CSStransform
property is "transition-able" when the moving class is applied, the element will be smoothly animated to its destination using the FLIP technique.Example
<TransitionGroup tag="ul" name="slide"> <li v-for="item in items" :key="item.id"> {{ item.text }} </li> </TransitionGroup>
See also: Guide - TransitionGroup
Caches dynamically toggled components wrapped inside.
interface KeepAliveProps { /** * If specified, only components with names matched by * `include` will be cached. */ include?: MatchPattern /** * Any component with a name matched by `exclude` will * not be cached. */ exclude?: MatchPattern /** * The maximum number of component instances to cache. */ max?: number | string } type MatchPattern = string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
When wrapped around a dynamic component,
caches the inactive component instances without destroying them.There can only be one active component instance as the direct child of
at any time.When a component is toggled inside
, itsactivated
lifecycle hooks will be invoked accordingly, providing an alternative tomounted
, which are not called. This applies to the direct child of<KeepAlive>
as well as to all of its descendants.Example
Basic usage:
<KeepAlive> <component :is="view"></component> </KeepAlive>
When used with
branches, there must be only one component rendered at a time:<KeepAlive> <comp-a v-if="a > 1"></comp-a> <comp-b v-else></comp-b> </KeepAlive>
Used together with
:<Transition> <KeepAlive> <component :is="view"></component> </KeepAlive> </Transition>
:<!-- comma-delimited string --> <KeepAlive include="a,b"> <component :is="view"></component> </KeepAlive> <!-- regex (use `v-bind`) --> <KeepAlive :include="/a|b/"> <component :is="view"></component> </KeepAlive> <!-- Array (use `v-bind`) --> <keepalive :include="['a', 'b']"> <component :is="view"></component> </keepalive>
Usage with
:<KeepAlive :max="10"> <component :is="view"></component> </KeepAlive>
See also: Guide - KeepAlive
Renders its slot content to another part of the DOM.
interface TeleportProps { /** * Required. Specify target container. * Can either be a selector or an actual element. */ to: string | HTMLElement /** * When `true`, the content will remain in its original * location instead of moved into the target container. * Can be changed dynamically. */ disabled?: boolean }
Specifying target container:
<teleport to="#some-id" /> <teleport to=".some-class" /> <teleport to="[data-teleport]" />
Conditionally disabling:
<teleport to="#popup" :disabled="displayVideoInline"> <video src="./my-movie.mp4"> </teleport>
See also: Guide - Teleport
Used for orchestrating nested async dependencies in a component tree.
interface SuspenseProps { timeout?: string | number }
accepts two slots: the#default
slot and the#fallback
slot. It will display the content of the fallback slot while rendering the default slot in memory.If it encounters async dependencies (Async Components and components with
async setup()
) while rendering the default slot, it will wait until all of them are resolved before displaying the default slot.See also: Guide - Suspense