


MySQL Server包含一个事务数据字典,用于存储有关数据库对象的信息。在以前的MySQL版本中,字典数据存储在元数据文件,非事务表和存储引擎特定的数据字典中。

本章介绍数据字典的主要功能,优点,用法差异和限制。有关数据字典功能的其他含义,请参阅MySQL 8.0发行说明中数据字典说明部分



与没有数据字典的服务器相比,启用数据字典的服务器需要一些一般的操作差异; 请参见 第14.7节“数据字典使用差异”此外,对于MySQL 8.0的升级,升级过程与以前的MySQL版本略有不同,并要求您通过检查特定的先决条件来验证安装的升级准备情况。有关更多信息,请参见第2.11节“升级MySQL”,特别是第2.11.5节“准备升级安装”


数据字典表受到保护,只能在MySQL的调试版本中访问。但是,MySQL支持通过INFORMATION_SCHEMA表和 SHOW语句访问存储在数据字典表中的数据 有关组成数据字典的表的概述,请参阅 数据字典表

MySQL系统表仍然存在于MySQL 8.0中,可以通过SHOW TABLESmysql系统数据库发出声明来查看通常,MySQL数据字典表和系统表之间的区别在于数据字典表包含执行SQL查询所需的元数据,而系统表包含辅助数据,如时区和帮助信息。MySQL系统表和数据字典表在升级方式上也有所不同。MySQL服务器管理数据字典升级。SQL服务器。请参阅如何升级数据字典升级MySQL系统表需要运行完整的MySQL升级过程。请参见 第2.11.3节“MySQL升级过程升级的内容”





mysqld的 --no-dd-upgrade选项可用于防止数据字典表的自动升级启动。如果--no-dd-upgrade指定,并且服务器发现服务器的数据字典版本与存储在数据字典中的版本不同,则启动失败并显示错误,指出禁止数据字典升级。


数据字典表默认受保护,但可以通过使用调试支持(使用-DWITH_DEBUG=1 CMake选项)编译MySQL 并指定 +d,skip_dd_table_access_check debug选项和修饰符来访问。有关编译调试版本的信息,请参见 第29.5.1.1节“编译MySQL以进行调试”



在使用调试支持编译MySQL之后,使用此 SET语句使数据字典表对mysql客户端会话可见

MySQL的> SET SESSION debug='+d,skip_dd_table_access_check';


MySQL的> SELECT name, schema_id, hidden, type FROM mysql.tables where schema_id=1 AND hidden='System';

使用SHOW CREATE TABLE查看数据字典表的定义。例如:

MySQL的> SHOW CREATE TABLE mysql.catalogs\G




  • .frmfiles:表元数据文件。随着.frm文件的删除

    • .frm删除文件结构强加的64KB表定义大小限制

    • 列报告硬编码值,这是MySQL 5.7中使用的最后一个 文件版本。 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES VERSION10.frm

  • .parfiles:分区定义文件。 InnoDB在MySQL 5.7中停止使用分区定义文件,并引入了对InnoDB的本机分区支持

  • .TRN files:触发命名空间文件。

  • .TRG files:触发器参数文件。

  • .islfiles:InnoDB 符号链接文件,包含 在数据目录外部创建的每表文件空间文件的位置

  • db.opt files: Database configuration files. These files, one per database directory, contained database default character set attributes.

14.3 Transactional Storage of Dictionary Data

The data dictionary schema stores dictionary data in transactional (InnoDB) tables. Data dictionary tables are located in the mysql database together with non-data dictionary system tables.

Data dictionary tables are created in a single InnoDB tablespace named mysql.ibd, which resides in the MySQL data directory. The mysql.ibd tablespace file must reside in the MySQL data directory and its name cannot be modified or used by another tablespace.

Dictionary data is protected by the same commit, rollback, and crash-recovery capabilities that protect user data that is stored in InnoDB tables.

14.4 Dictionary Object Cache

The dictionary object cache is a shared global cache that stores previously accessed data dictionary objects in memory to enable object reuse and minimize disk I/O. Similar to other cache mechanisms used by MySQL, the dictionary object cache uses an LRU-based eviction strategy to evict least recently used objects from memory.

The dictionary object cache comprises cache partitions that store different object types. Some cache partition size limits are configurable, whereas others are hardcoded.

  • tablespace definition cache partition: Stores tablespace definition objects. The tablespace_definition_cache option sets a limit for the number of tablespace definition objects that can be stored in the dictionary object cache. The default value is 256.

  • schema definition cache partition: Stores schema definition objects. The schema_definition_cache option sets a limit for the number of schema definition objects that can be stored in the dictionary object cache. The default value is 256.

  • table definition cache partition: Stores table definition objects. The object limit is set to the value of max_connections, which has a default value of 151.

    The table definition cache partition exists in parallel with the table definition cache that is configured using the table_definition_cache configuration option. Both caches store table definitions but serve different parts of the MySQL server. Objects in one cache have no dependence on the existence of objects in the other.

  • stored program definition cache partition: Stores stored program definition objects. The stored_program_definition_cache option sets a limit for the number of stored program definition objects that can be stored in the dictionary object cache. The default value is 256.

    The stored program definition cache partition exists in parallel with the stored procedure and stored function caches that are configured using the stored_program_cache option.

    The stored_program_cache option sets a soft upper limit for the number of cached stored procedures or functions per connection, and the limit is checked each time a connection executes a stored procedure or function. The stored program definition cache partition, on the other hand, is a shared cache that stores stored program definition objects for other purposes. The existence of objects in the stored program definition cache partition has no dependence on the existence of objects in the stored procedure cache or stored function cache, and vice versa.

  • character set definition cache partition: Stores character set definition objects and has a hardcoded object limit of 256.

  • collation definition cache partition: Stores collation definition objects and has a hardcoded object limit of 256.

For information about valid values for dictionary object cache configuration options, refer to Section 5.1.8, “Server System Variables”.

14.5 INFORMATION_SCHEMA and Data Dictionary Integration

With the introduction of the data dictionary, the following INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are implemented as views on data dictionary tables:

Queries on those tables are now more efficient because they obtain information from data dictionary tables rather than by other, slower means. In particular, for each INFORMATION_SCHEMA table that is a view on data dictionary tables:

  • The server no longer must create a temporary table for each query of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table.

  • When the underlying data dictionary tables store values previously obtained by directory scans (for example, to enumerate database names or table names within databases) or file-opening operations (for example, to read information from .frm files), INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries for those values now use table lookups instead. (Additionally, even for a non-view INFORMATION_SCHEMA table, values such as database and table names are retrieved by lookups from the data dictionary and do not require directory or file scans.)

  • Indexes on the underlying data dictionary tables permit the optimizer to construct efficient query execution plans, something not true for the previous implementation that processed the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table using a temporary table per query.

The preceding improvements also apply to SHOW statements that display information corresponding to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that are views on data dictionary tables. For example, SHOW DATABASES displays the same information as the SCHEMATA table.

In addition to the introduction of views on data dictionary tables, table statistics contained in the STATISTICS and TABLES tables is now cached to improve INFORMATION_SCHEMA query performance. The information_schema_stats_expiry system variable defines the period of time before cached table statistics expire. The default is 86400 seconds (24 hours). If there are no cached statistics or statistics have expired, statistics are retrieved from storage engine when querying table statistics columns. To update cached values at any time for a given table, use ANALYZE TABLE

information_schema_stats_expiry can be set to 0 to have INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries retrieve the latest statistics directly from the storage engine, which is not as fast as retrieving cached statistics.

For more information, see Section 8.2.3, “Optimizing INFORMATION_SCHEMA Queries”.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables in MySQL 8.0 are closely tied to the data dictionary, resulting in several usage differences. See Section 14.7, “Data Dictionary Usage Differences”.

14.6 Serialized Dictionary Information (SDI)

In addition to storing metadata about database objects in the data dictionary, MySQL stores it in serialized form. This data is referred to as Serialized Dictionary Information (SDI). InnoDB stores SDI data within its tablespace files. Other storage engines store SDI data in .sdi files that are created in the schema directory. SDI data is generated in a compact JSON format.

Serialized Dictionary Information (SDI) is present in all InnoDB tablespace files except for temporary tablespace and undo tablespace files. SDI records in an InnoDB tablespace file only describe table and tablespace objects contained within the tablespace.

SDI data in within an InnoDB tablespace file is only updated by DDL operations on tables within the tablespace.

The presence of SDI data provides metadata redundancy. For example, if the data dictionary becomes unavailable, object metadata can be extracted directly from InnoDB tablespace files using the ibd2sdi tool.

For InnoDB, an SDI record requires a single index page, which is 16KB in size by default. However, SDI data is compressed to reduce the storage footprint.

For partitioned InnoDB tables comprised of multiple tablespaces, SDI data is stored in the tablespace file of the first partition.

The MySQL server uses an internal API that is accessed during DDL operations to create and maintain SDI records.

The IMPORT TABLE statement imports MyISAM tables based on information contained in .sdi files. For more information, see Section 13.2.5, “IMPORT TABLE Syntax”.

14.7 Data Dictionary Usage Differences

Use of a data dictionary-enabled MySQL server entails some operational differences compared to a server that does not have a data dictionary:

  • Previously, enabling the innodb_read_only system variable prevented creating and dropping tables only for the InnoDB storage. As of MySQL 8.0, enabling innodb_read_only prevents these operations for all storage engines. Table creation and drop operations for any storage engine modify data dictionary tables in the mysql system database, but those tables use the InnoDB storage engine and cannot be modified when innodb_read_only is enabled. The same principle applies to other table operations that require modifying data dictionary tables. Examples:


    Enabling innodb_read_only also has important implications for non-data dictionary tables in the mysql system database. For details, see the description of innodb_read_only in Section 15.13, “InnoDB Startup Options and System Variables”

  • Previously, tables in the mysql system database were visible to DML and DDL statements. As of MySQL 8.0, data dictionary tables are invisible and cannot be modified or queried directly. However, in most cases there are corresponding INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that can be queried instead. This enables the underlying data dictionary tables to be changed as server development proceeds, while maintaining a stable INFORMATION_SCHEMA interface for application use.

  • INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables in MySQL 8.0 are closely tied to the data dictionary, resulting in several usage differences:

    • Previously, INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries for table statistics in the STATISTICS and TABLES tables retrieved statistics directly from storage engines. As of MySQL 8.0, cached table statistics are used by default. The information_schema_stats_expiry system variable defines the period of time before cached table statistics expire. The default is 86400 seconds (24 hours). (To update the cached values at any time for a given table, use ANALYZE TABLE.) If there are no cached statistics or statistics have expired, statistics are retrieved from storage engines when querying table statistics columns. To always retrieve the latest statistics directly from storage engines, set information_schema_stats_expiry to 0. For more information, see Section 8.2.3, “Optimizing INFORMATION_SCHEMA Queries”.

    • Several INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are views on data dictionary tables, which enables the optimizer to use indexes on those underlying tables. Consequently, depending on optimizer choices, the row order of results for INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries might differ from previous results. If a query result must have specific row ordering characteristics, include an ORDER BY clause.

    • INFORMATION_SCHEMA表的查询可能会返回与早期MySQL系列不同的字母表中的列名。应用程序应以不区分大小写的方式测试结果集列名称。如果这不可行,则解决方法是在选择列表中使用列别名,该列别名返回所需字母表中的列名称。例如:

      SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA AS table_schema,TABLE_NAME AS table_name
    • 即使在命令行上显式命名, mysqldump mysqlpump也不再转储 INFORMATION_SCHEMA数据库。

    • CREATE TABLE dst_tbl LIKE src_tbl要求它 src_tbl是一个基表,如果它是一个INFORMATION_SCHEMA 数据字典表视图表,则会失败

    • 以前,从INFORMATION_SCHEMA表中选择的列的结果集标头 使用查询中指定的大小写。此查询生成一个结果集,其标题为 table_name


      从MySQL 8.0开始,这些头文件都是大写的; 前面的查询生成一个标题为的结果集TABLE_NAME如有必要,可以使用列别名来实现不同的字母大小写。例如:

  • 数据目录会影响mysqldumpmysqlpump如何mysql系统数据库转储信息

    • 以前,可以将所有表转储到 mysql系统数据库中。从MySQL 8.0开始,mysqldumpmysqlpump只转储该数据库中的非数据字典表。

    • 以前,使用选项时--routines--events选项不需要包括存储的例程和事件 --all-databases:转储包括mysql系统数据库,因此还包含包含存储的例程和事件定义procevent表。从MySQL 8.0开始,不使用eventproc表。相应对象的定义存储在数据字典表中,但不会转储这些表。要在使用的转储中包含存储的例程和事件 --all-databases,请使用 --routines--events选项明确。

    • 以前,该 --routines选项需要SELECT 权限proc从MySQL 8.0开始,不使用该表; --routines需要全局SELECT特权。

    • 以前,通过转储procevent,可以将存储的例程和事件定义与其创建和修改时间戳一起转储 从MySQL 8.0开始,不使用这些表,因此无法转储时间戳。

  • 以前,创建包含非法字符的存储例程会产生警告。从MySQL 8.0开始,这是一个错误。



  • 不支持 在数据目录下手动创建数据库目录(例如,使用mkdir)。MySQL服务器无法识别手动创建的数据库目录。

  • 由于写入存储,撤消日志和重做日志而不是.frm 文件,DDL操作需要更长的时间
